Maybe in Montreal

Dear Annie: I have been invited to a baby shower for someone who ignored mine. They did not attend, nor did they send a gift. Should I ignore theirs?
-Maybe in Montreal.

Dear Maybe: It sounds like you are harboring negative feelings about their seeming lack of response to your baby shower. I get that. It was an exceptional event in your life, and you didn’t hear from this person. Yet, you hear from them now that it is a special event in their life. Have you been curious and compassionate enough to inquire as to why, or have you just harbored resentment and unforgiveness?

When we don’t know the facts of something, we tend to make up the story. The bottom line is you get to choose what you think and believe and do what makes you feel good and happy. It sounds like you’ll be going to a baby shower because you have shown just how important honoring such milestone events is to you when invited to share in the celebration.

This article from from the 2022 editions of Inspirations For Better Living Magazine. Get your free 11 page preview today.