
Could There Be ‘Alternative Facts’ When It Comes to Defining Love?

“He doesn’t love me!”” She doesn’t even have the capacity to love!” “ My mom never even liked me”. “My father loved no one.” These are a sample of statements I’ve heard from clients over the years. They are indisputable facts for their experience. They are the foundation for all they believe about what love

Could There Be ‘Alternative Facts’ When It Comes to Defining Love? Read More »

Discovering The Shack by William P. Young – An Exploration of Spirituality

I believe everything in life is a relationship; social, intimate, community, career, family, God (creator/universe) and self… yes, self! I’ll save ‘self’ for another day and time. Here’s a story about my relationship with God …and death. As a mom who buried my first born child, my relationship with God and death has known bitterness.

Discovering The Shack by William P. Young – An Exploration of Spirituality Read More »